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IB Learner Profile Attributes

Risk-takers - We are risk-takers by going to present first on the 2nd day. We presented in the upper grade's assembly as well, marketing our candles to adopt an orangutan.



Principled -  For principled, it is because we give information that helps people do what's right for them and our planet. We also tell them what is wrong for our planet.



Reflective - For reflective, it is because we reflect on every week to write in the blog, what are progress was. Some of the weeks aren't really that productive, but most of them are since we get a lot of work done.



Thinkers - We are thinkers because we think about how we should provide our work in a clean, organized and swift manner. We also thought of the idea to sell the candles and help Kianna's mom's business.



Inquirers - We are inquirers by asking questions within the interview. We asked around 5-6 questions in the first interview, which was not really that great but on the 2nd one with BOSF, we asked about 10 questions, which was amazing.



Communicators - All of us communicators because we talk and discuss with each other. We also tell each other what work to do so we could cover more, faster.



Knowledgeable - As for knowledgeable, it is because we know that deforestation is an issue, and by researching we are able to find solutions, why people cut down trees, etc. We are also able to research the best and easiest solutions that people could do daily to help out as much as they can.



Balanced - We are balanced because we balance the amount of work each individual should do within this group. We make sure each member does about the same amount of work so it's even for everyone.



Open-minded - We are open-minded since we talk about ideas and add them to our blog and work. It is also because we take in criticism and work to fix our mistakes.

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Central Idea

Climate Change can lead to destruction

Transdisciplinary Theme

How the world works

Lines of inquiry

Human actions that create climate change (causation) 

Land destroyed due to climate change (perspective) 


Solutions to lessen climate change (responsibility) 


Binus PYP Exhibition of class 2029

​Official Oxygenerators website

Kenzie, Jamie, Sung Woo, Kianna and Eugene 5A​

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