What human actions create climate change?
‘Farming, grazing of livestock, mining and drilling combined account for more than half of all deforestation.’ (Paraphrased from National Geographic Article) Forestry practices, wildfires, and, for a smaller part of it, urbanization, account for all the rest. Within Malaysia and Indonesia, forests are cut down to make way for producing palm oil, found in practically everything, from shampoo to saltines. In the Amazon, cattle ranching and farms-particularly soy plantations-are key culprits.
How many lands destroyed due to climate change?
​ A lot of lands have been destroyed due to climate change. For example, coastal Louisiana has been experiencing land loss since 1932. 'Every year, at least 25-35 square miles of land by the coast of Louisiana, a larger area than Manhattan-disappears into the water due to a combination of subsidence (soil settling) and global sea level rises.' (Paraphrased from climate.gov) The map on climate.gov shows how much land has been lost during the span of 80 years in the Gulf of Mexico.
Are there any solutions to reduce climate change?
​There are multiple solutions to reducing climate change, one being trees. 'Trees are our most powerful weapon. They are the ultimate carbon capture and storage machines, such as: great carbon sinks, wood and forests absorb atmospheric carbon and secure it for centuries by using photosynthesis.' (Slightly paraphrased from Woodland Trust) The entire woodland ecosystem does play huge role in locking and securing carbon, including living wood, roots, leaves, deadwood, surrounding soil, and all of its associated vegetation.