Integration of subjects
For writing, Jamie did a persuasive text alone, while Kianna and Kenzie made another persuasive text. They made 2 persuasive texts about deforestation.
We conducted a survey and over 50 people answered. We also sold candles and hand sanitizer.
Our class made a dance for the PYP exhibition. We picked the sing never gonna give you up by Rick Astley.
Ms. Dominga gave us an extra session for the PYP exhibition. That session gave us more time to complete the PYP exhibition.
We did artworks that are going to be displayed in the PYP exhibition. We did a art style called cubism.
In Chinese we reviewed the global issues and wrote them in Chinese. We also made posters about the global issues.
Bahasa Indonesia
We went into groups and made a poster. The poster is about one of the global issues and the solutions.
Our class had an option to sing a song “Count on trees” and “Impurity”, dance to the song or play an instrument. most of us sang the song while the others danced to the song or played an instrument.